Alpaca inspires a zoning variance

Sue: did you buy one? 😉
Wylie: Wouldn’t fit in the car. Crap.
Ann-Marie: Not from lack of trying, I bet.
Sue: They are so freakin cute. I thought about being an alpaca farmer at one time- who knows….
The Intrepid Knitter: You would be surprised at the price of an alpaca! I’ll stick to spinning the fleece for now.
Sue: Oh, I forgot to mention what stopped me…..
Wylie: “‎Pat K” wouldn’t let me.
The Intrepid Knitter: I don’t believe it. Pat K and I have been scheming on our suburban alpaca farm for a while. We”d call them “Gradoodles” (cross of Great Dane and Poodle) and shear them. Getting them to bark instead of making alpaca noises is a sticking point. (Editor’s Note: Pat K assures me she has a line on a barking dog burglar alarm to solve this problem.)
Sue: I have seen goats and chickens in the city. Surely alpacas cannot be more of an annoyance 😉
Ann-Marie: Oh, “Intrepid Knitter”, this has GOT to be a blogpost!

The Intrepid Knitter : @ Ann-Marie: consider it done!