That awkward moment…

I see these “awkward moment” statuses on my Facebook feed and I find them amusing, mostly.

Today, I had one myself. Here’s my awkward moment…when you finally find (and buy) the yarn you wanted for the pattern you bought last summer, and you finally have time to get going on the project…but you can’t locate the pattern, and even worse, you’re not sure if you’ll recognize it when you find it. It could have been Minimalist Cardigan by Ruthie Nussbaum

simple knit cardigan with seed stitch trimmed in stockinette for the front band forming the collar


or this..


or this


And before you know it, there are a dozen new ideas for that yarn! Should have called this post, why I need to clean out my knitting/shopping bags more often.

Hope you are finding plenty of wonderful projects to start and a few to finish, too!

Knitting and waiting, in the meantime

Today, after I visit an “end of summer yarn sale” at my LYS, I’ll be heading to the hospital. My 82 y.o. mother fell this week for the second time in 9 months. Luckily, she didn’t break any bones or hurt herself in any serious way. She’s weak, though, and her arthritis is causing her to suffer, so getting her pain under control has been a priority. This afternoon, if all goes to plan, we’ll be moving her to a skilled care/rehab facility.  After that, she’ll want to return home, and we’ll have to see if that’s feasible.

Times like these are when knitting and spinning give me comfort and focus. I’ve had my knitting with me, as well as my little drop spindle with the beautiful green fiber, (BFL if you must know.)  Without something to do while we’ve waited for everything, (and there’s a lot of waiting in a hospital visit) I’d get more worried and it would seem like an eternity. Instead, I can focus on my handwork and calm my mind. Decidedly, this keeps me from acting like a lunatic when something doesn’t go well. I’m sure the staff would kiss my yarn, if only they  knew!

Too bad the hospital had to close the yarn shop when the economy tanked. With what the nursing  staff does day in and day out, and all the cranky people they help, I should teach them how to knit or spin on their breaks!

So for now, that’s it from me. I’m off to score some sale yarn, load up some endorphins, and make that move with Mom. Wish me luck!

Where have I been?


two women seated at spinning wheels listening to woman instructing at front of room. Shelves of raw fleece line the wall behind them. All are smiling.
Oh my! It’s been so long since I posted.
And I have so much to share, I hardly know where to start.
Between those unexpected “life” moments, and the beginning of summer weather, I’ve been out and about every day instead of writing. I’ve traveled, knitted, spun, fretted over family members, solved problems, held hands, wiped tears, given hugs, been to the beach (twice) and tried to stay cool.
Plus, in late spring, I had my whole fiber thinking process challenged in a great way by Abby Franquemont. I will never be the same…more on that later. By the time I came up for air, summer was in full swing. I suppose it’s part of our life cycle in this Michigan climate. When spring arrives, we jump at the chance to get outside and do stuff while we can.
So now, I’m jumping back for a quick visit in between summer adventures. Got some spinning and catch up time with friends planned this week. Will upload photos of the great places I’ve been this month. Look for a page for LYS around the country which I love to visit in my travels. “Local” yarn shops in the sense of wherever I’m resting my head at the moment! It’s so fun to go places and “find my people”…people who speak gauge, stash, spindle, breeds, patterns, texture, cast on, frog, social knitting, and a bag for every project! One day, I should post my bags, and the work in progress. I have been doing my share, no fear.

What’s in your bag? Post your project (and bags) as I’d love to see what you’re making!